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About Campus Roslagen

Campus Roslagen AB is part of the Norrtälje municipality group. We strive to be a vibrant meeting place for all senses where we create conditions for people and companies to develop and reach their full potential.

OUR vision

Campus Roslagen, with a unique environment and a central location, will provide a vibrant meeting place with a high level of service where people and companies are welcomed with care, responsiveness, innovation, and a personal touch, in order to create conditions for humanistic and economic growth.


Processing of personal data

To be able to offer you our services, we need to process your personal data. We care about your privacy and want you to feel secure with how we handle your personal data. We do not collect more information than we need, and we never sell the data to third parties.


Environment, climate, and sustainability

Conduct sustainability efforts based on the global goals for sustainable development (Agenda 2030).

Actively work to ensure that investments made are environmentally beneficial and that the company chooses alternatives that reduce the environmental impact in its ongoing operations.

Collaborate with our owner, Norrtälje municipality, to ensure that environmental and information goals meet the requirements set by the municipality and the green framework.

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Drönarvy Campus Roslagen


Campus Roslagen AB conducts a number of procurements each year, and they are posted in our procurement portal. For those who are curious or want to monitor new procurements – register in the portal. The portal also contains all the information you need to submit bids.

The board

Staffan Tjörnhammar

Staffan Tjörnhammer (M)


Andrea Kronvall

Andrea Kronvall (SD)

Vice Chairperson

Per Lodenius

Per Lodenius (C)

2:nd Vice Chairperson

Invoice details

E-invoice general

VAN-operatör: Scancloud AB (Addett) 7365561946055

E-invoice PEPPOL


Invoice e-mail


Campus Roslagen AB
Evert Taubes gata 1
761 46  Norrtälje

Requirements for Information on Supplier Invoices

Vi vill även passa på att påminna om våra krav på information på våra leverantörsfakturor. Nedanstående regler tillämpas i de fall då inget annat avtalats. Campus Roslagen AB betalar en leverantör 30 dagar efter mottagen faktura, förutsatt att fakturan är korrekt utställd. Se Skatteverkets regler.

Utöver Skatteverkets regler har Campus Roslagen krav på märkning av fakturan för att den ska anses korrekt. Fakturan ska märkas med referens. Exempel på märkning: 5280-85-81006-EB/FK

Våra leverantörer i Sverige måste vara godkända för F-skatt.

Faktureringskod som erhålls vid beställning skall alltid anges på fakturan.

Contact form

    *Vi behandlar dina personuppgifter för att hantera din förfrågan. Läs mer i vår integritetspolicy.